Best Photo Backdrops in Downtown Waco!

Our friends at Chisholm Crossing have compiled a fabulous list of places with interesting and photogenic backdrops that you might not have thought of to take your Easter, prom or graduation pics. Of course there are far more than 10 top picks. What are yours?
This iconic green door on Austin Avenue was designed and made by Stanton Studios here in Waco!
Check out the full post with pics
1. Ivy wall – One of our favorite spots, hands down, is the Insurors of Texas wall that faces Mary Avenue (Mary Avenue and 5th Street). The wall is covered in ivy or some other vine-y type greenery and is just plain lovely. Perfect if your photo subject is a redhead
2. Copper doors – The front doors to the Chapel at Meyer Center (1226 Washington Ave.) are copper, top to bottom. They might not interest everyone but they positively make us swoon. Climb the Chapel steps and see what you think.
3. Nice look Waco mural – If you’re going for something fun and Waco-flavored and your subject doesn’t mind sharing the spotlight with the backdrop, try the “You look nice today, wacotown” mural at 7th and Washington Ave. With its own hashtag (#nicelookwaco), this mural has become an Instagram favorite.
4. Green door – This unique door at 714 Austin Ave. is EVERYONE’s favorite. You can see why. I’d guess that door sees a photo shoot multiple times a week.
5. 5th Street alley – Are you looking for a little grit for your picture? It doesn’t get much grittier than the alley between Franklin and Austin that runs from 5th to 6th street. I walk that alley every day and constantly notice interesting details.
6. Suspension bridge – With so much history behind it and the distinct look of it, this iconic bridge has become Waco’s unofficial logo. If your heart is said on the bridge for pics, we suggest trying different angles to make your shot unique. We’re even fond of the little pre-bridge structures.
7. Cameron Park – To put it plainly, what part of Cameron Park ISN’T photogenic. Some suggestions: Jacob’s Ladder, the back porch of the Cameron Park Clubhouse, any of the overlooks.
8. Random walls – We’ve got so many great walls downtown, lots of used brick and faded paint. There were too many to suggest just one.
9. 8th Street mural – If you’re going for colorful, look no further. This mural, off Austin Avenue between 8th and 9th streets, is so much fun. On the weekends and evenings, the parking lot empties and you can walk right up against the wall to get the shot you want. Check it out.
10. Finish out the list for us! Do you have a favorite photo spot downtown?