CWCW: Bridging Arts, Culture, and Community ft. Ekphrasis, Dia de los Muertos and the Brazos Fine Art Show
By Kennedy Sam
Director of Marketing and Communications
This post is an extension of the Conversations with Creative Waco radio program on 103.3 KWBU fm, where we take you behind the scenes of art and culture in Waco. Catch us on the air every fourth and fifth Friday of the month at 11:30 a.m. and 8 p.m.


Photo by: Waco Trib // Jerry Larson
Ekphrasis: Veracity
“Creativity cannot thrive in isolation.” – Angie Veracruz
Since 2016, the Central Texas Artists Collective (CTAC) has been challenging creatives, locally and nationally, to create ekphrastic displays. The word “ekphrasis” stems from Greek terminology meaning to create visual works of art based on written work. This year’s theme, Ekphrasis: Veracity, or the art of truth telling aims to focus on migration to immigration stories and the psychological effect that ripples through generations.
See this year’s artwork on display now in the storefronts of 16 downtown businesses on Austin Ave. and Washington Ave. between 6th and 8th street until the end of October. Join CTAC for the finally showing of the artwork and each accompanying written piece on display at Cultivate 7twelve on Nov. 1 from 6 – 10 p.m.
Hear from Steve Veracruz, local artist and co-founder of CTAC, reasoning behind showcasing the visual work via “walkable art gallery”, what to expect at the final showing and more!
Ekphrasis: Veracity – Nov. 1 from 6 – 1o p.m. at Cultivate 7twelve
Join in the walkable art gallery and view this year’s artworks at: Waco Ale Co., The Hippodrome, Cultivate 7twelve, Waco Winery, Bittersweet, Bloomingals, Hustle Waco, Klassy Glass, On the Avenue, Glass Phoenix, Suit City, House of Style, Jake’s Tea House, Wildland Co., Gather, and the Waco Escape Rooms.
Dia de los Muertos Festival
On the heels of National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sep. 15 – Oct. 15) and National Arts and Humanities Month (Oct. 1 – 31), the Dia de lo Muertos holiday upholds the intersection between art and culture.
Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a Mexican holiday marking a time of remembrance for loved ones who have passed and the reunification of their spirits to the living world. This two-day celebration is known for its colorful and animated decorations and lively music. Traditionally, as loved ones honor the dead they also present them with gifts at a beautifully decorated ofrenda — or alter.
This year, Eric Linares, owner of Quetzal Co. Taqueria, his team of volunteers and community partners are coordinating an ofrenda and Dia de los Muertos Festival to celebrate life with the Hispanic community and introduce other cultures to this holiday. On this episode of Conversations with Creative Waco, hear from volunteer Karla Bautista on what you can expect during this celebration!
The ofrenda and festival are free events and open to all community members. If you would like to volunteer, become a vendor at the festival, or a business or community member wanting to donate, click here to get involved or send an email to [email protected]!

Community Wide Ofrenda: Oct. 28 – Nov. 2 at the South Waco Recreational Center (click here for the full schedule)
Dia de los Muertos Festival: Nov. 2 from 6:30 – 10:30 p.m. at the South Waco Recreational Center
Brazos Fine Art Show and Sale
The Professional Artists of Central Texas (PACT) returns for their second year highlighting fine arts in Waco with the Brazos Fine Art Show and Sale. This year 40 artists, locally sourced and statewide, will gather at the Hilton Waco November 8 – 10 to participate in the juried art show and sell their work. The weekend-long event kicks off Friday (Nov. 8) the Welcome Gala at the Hilton Waco from 6 – 9 p.m. The Gala costs $35 to attend and can be purchased through Hilton Waco, and as a perk, those attending receive premier access to the show floor that night. On Saturday and Sunday the Art Show and Sale is free and open to the public.
Listen to local artists and coordinator, Kay Reinke, as she speaks on working in Waco as a professional artist and how she defines “fine art”.