CWCW: Curtain Up on Community – How Silent House Theatre Builds Connections in Waco

Have you ever been swept away by a powerful performance that left you speechless? Or perhaps you’ve laughed until your sides hurt at a hilarious comedy. Theatre has the unique ability to evoke a wide range of emotions, transport us to different worlds, and leave a lasting impact on both individuals and communities. In Waco, Silent House Theatre Company is more than a vessel for entertainment; it’s where stories come alive and communities converge. Dedicated to igniting minds and captivating hearts, the company presents live theatre that is both thought-provoking and undeniably captivating.

We recently had the opportunity to speak with Silent House about their recent productions, The Boys in the Band and their upcoming show, What’s a Knucka?, which opens August 1-4. These two plays exemplify the company’s commitment to its mission: to provide thought-provoking, engaging, and entertaining live theatre for the audiences of Waco, Texas. But their impact extends far beyond the stage.

“What’s a Knucka?” by Rob Bell opening August 1-4 at MCC Ball Performing Arts Center

Silent House is dedicated to creating a nurturing space where artists from all walks of life can hone their craft and discover their full potential. By making the arts accessible to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community and showcasing their incredible talent, Silent House is fostering a more inclusive and vibrant cultural landscape. Ultimately, the company aims to inspire meaningful dialogue, strengthen bonds within the arts community, and enrich the lives of all who experience their work.

Theatre is a powerful platform for exploring diverse perspectives and challenging our own assumptions. The Boys in the Band, a groundbreaking play that has been a cornerstone of LGBTQ+ representation, is a testament to this power. By bringing this historic piece to the stage, Silent House is not only entertaining audiences but also shedding light on important historical and social issues. Similarly, What’s a Knucka? showcases the company’s dedication to showcasing new and original works. As the world premiere of this play, co-produced with author and playwright Rob Bell, Waco has the unique opportunity to experience a fresh and innovative theatrical narrative.

COMING SOON – August 1-4, 2024

What’s a Knucka? by Rob Bell

Four climbers from four different nations arrive from four different directions at the top of The Banashak at the

What’s a Knucka? is a surreal, absurdist tale of climbing to the top, only to find yourself on a very different kind of mountain.”

Tickets are on sale now!

Beyond inclusion and artistic excellence, theatre plays a vital role in building community. Shared experiences around live performances can create a powerful sense of connection. When we gather to watch a play, we are not only entertained but also engaged in a collective experience. By providing opportunities for Deaf artists to shine and ensuring that their productions are accessible to all, Silent House is creating a theatre experience that truly welcomes everyone. This shared journey can foster a sense of belonging and unity, bringing people together from different backgrounds and perspectives.

In a world that can often feel divided, theatre has the power to bring us together. It can challenge our assumptions, expand our horizons, and inspire us to create a more just and equitable society. Silent House is a shining example of how theatre can be a catalyst for positive change. By championing diversity, supporting local artists, and creating a welcoming space for all, they are building a stronger and more vibrant community.

Silent House Theatre Company is among the network of nine theatre companies that each play a vital part of the Waco arts community. So how can you get involved and support?

  • Attend a performance and experience the magic of your local theatre companies.
  • Spread the word and share upcoming performances with your network.
  • Invest in the future of Waco’s theatre community by donating.
  • Encourage potential talent to engage in the arts – on stage or behind the curtain!